高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 大学院課程

大学院課程 Postgraduate Program


Postgraduate Program 大学院課程

An educational organization established in a university whose purpose is to teach and study postgraduate academic theories and applications to their depths, or develop profound knowledge and expertise with which to be responsible for the professions that requires high-level technicality and research ability, thereby contributing to the advancement of culture.
Graduate schools may establish master’s programs, doctoral programs and professional graduate programs and may divide their doctoral programs into a first-stage and a second-stage doctoral program. Among graduate schools are those consisting of professional graduate programs, which are called Professional Graduate Schools.
Admission to graduate school is granted for those who have graduated from universities (undergraduate programs) including professional and vocational universities and those who have been awarded bachelor’s degrees by NIAD-QE. Additionally, universities may determine eligibility for admission on the basis of their own specific admission qualification assessment. The eligibility for the second stage of doctoral program is acquisition of master’s degrees or professional degrees. Graduate universities, universities that have only postgraduate programs, as well as united graduate schools, in which multiple universities cooperate in conducting postgraduate education and research may also be established.

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