高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 学位・称号

学位・称号 Academic Degree/Academic Title


1. 短期大学卒業者や高等専門学校卒業者等でさらに一定の学習を行い、機構の審査に合格した者に対し、学士の学位を授与。1992年度から2022年度の間に本制度で63,829人が学位を取得した。

2. 機構が認定した各省庁大学校の課程の修了者に対し、修了した課程に応じて、学士、修士、博士の学位を授与。1992年度から2022年度の間に本制度で34,848人が学位を取得した。


Academic Degree/Academic Title 学位・称号

An academic degree is a qualification awarded to those who graduate from universities, professional and vocational universities, junior colleges and professional and vocational junior colleges, and to those who successfully complete postgraduate programs. The academic degrees provided for under the School Education Act and the Rules for Degrees are bachelor’s degrees, bachelor’s degrees (Professional), master’s degrees, doctoral degrees, professional degrees, associate degrees and associate degrees (Professional). Bachelor’s degrees are awarded to those who have graduated from university, while bachelor’s degrees (Professional) are awarded to those who have graduated from a professional and vocational university. Associate degrees are awarded to those who have graduated from a junior college, while associate degrees (Professional) are awarded to those who have graduated from the first half of a professional and vocational university program and to those who have graduated from a professional and vocational junior college. In addition, under the Rules for Degrees, NIAD-QE awards the following academic degrees:

1. Bachelor’s degrees are awarded to those graduates of a junior college or college of technology and those with equivalent qualifications as long as they pass an examination conducted by NIAD-QE after having undertaken a certain amount of additional learning. The NIAD-QE awarded 63,829 degrees in this category from 1992 through 2022.

2. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees (according to the program completed) are awarded to those who have successfully completed programs at those educational institutions operated by a government ministry or agency which are approved by NIAD-QE. The NIAD-QE awarded 34,848 degrees in this category from 1992 through 2022.

An academic title is awarded to those who graduate from colleges of technology and professional training colleges to officially endorse the completion of those educational institutions.

関係法令 Related laws and regulations


作成日 Published date


最終更新日 Last updated
