高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 ティーチング・アシスタント(TA)制度

ティーチング・アシスタント(TA)制度 Teaching Assistant (TA) System


Teaching Assistant (TA) System ティーチング・アシスタント(TA)制度

A system in which postgraduate students discreetly employed to provide advice for undergraduate students and carry out supplementary educational duties in laboratories and other practice-based learning. Teaching assistants (TAs) are a type of assistant instructor. This system is also expected to improve their financial circumstances. Undergraduate students who carry out the duties of the same kind are often referred to as student assistants (SAs). In addition, there is a system called peer support, an initiative in which undergraduate students support their fellow students mutually.

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