高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 適合認定

適合認定 Accreditation


Accreditation 適合認定

The action of recognizing the general condition of education and research of institutions or programs as meeting a certain level of standards and requirements, in the context of the quality assurance of higher education. The recognition is granted with reference to the standards which have been stipulated as regards organizational principle for education and research, academic program, facilities, etc. In Japan’s certified evaluation and accreditation system, the recognition of meeting the Standards for Evaluation and Accreditation of Universities which are stipulated by one of the certified evaluation and accreditation organizations is involved in the accreditation.
In wider contexts, the term, accreditation, refers to the official approval of the establishment of higher education institutions and programs, the official registration of the higher education institution and the official recognition of academic degrees and qualifications.

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