高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 追評価

追評価 Supplementary Review


Supplementary Review 追評価

An evaluation conducted at the request of an evaluated institution if, in NIAD-QE’s certified evaluation and accreditation, it is deemed not to meet the Standards for Evaluation and Accreditation of Universities The institution may request a supplementary review up to the end of the second full business year following the one in which the original evaluation was conducted. The review is conducted in respect of the standards that the institution was deemed not to meet and, if the review finds that it now meets those standards, the institution is deemed to meet the Standards for Evaluation and Accreditation of Universities and the results are published along with the results of the evaluations for the standards that it was already meeting.

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