高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 大学設置基準

大学設置基準 Standards for Establishment of Universities


Standards for Establishment of Universities 大学設置基準

A MEXT order that serves both as a set of criteria for approving the establishment of a university and as the minimum standards that universities should meet after approval. The order includes sections on the basic units for education and research, curricula, organizational principle for education and research, facilities and equipment. The standards were instituted in 1956 as part of the postwar educational reforms and underwent substantial revision in 1991. Under this revision, the detailed provisions on subject types and the number of credits required for graduation were relaxed and, based on a policy of requiring the universities to take responsibility for the quality assurance of education and research, it was stipulated that universities must make efforts to conduct self-assessment. In 1999, universities were obligated to conduct self-assessments and publish the results. In 2004, these obligations were formulated in the School Education Act, as well as an obligation to undergo evaluation by a certified evaluation and accreditation organization. The standards were since continuously revised until 2022, when the principle that universities should take into account the results of self-assessment and those of certified evaluation and accreditation in their process of incessantly reviewing education and research programs was explicitly stated. An exemption from the approval procedures was added to the standards with a view to encouraging universities to engage in innovative and pioneering initiatives.
There are separate sets of standards for the establishment of colleges of technology, graduate schools, junior colleges, distance learning programs at universities, distance learning programs at junior colleges, professional graduate schools, professional and vocational universities, and professional and vocational junior colleges.

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