高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 大学共同利用機関

大学共同利用機関 Inter-University Research Institute


Inter-University Research Institute 大学共同利用機関

A core research hub that promotes scientific research, while seeking to meet the needs of university researchers nationwide (the research community) and encourage partnerships with a wide range of researchers overseas. Inter-university research institutes are committed to cutting-edge advanced research and facilitates effective advanced international and nationwide joint research by developing large-scale experiment and observation facilities or observation apparatus that would be difficult for universities individually to manage or by maintaining research data centers. These institutes also train researchers through education at the graduate school level. They are established by inter-university research institute corporations. There are four inter-university research institute corporations: the National Institutes for the Humanities, the National Institutes of Natural Sciences, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization and the Research Organization of Information and Systems, which altogether have 19 inter-university research institutes.

関係法令 Related laws and regulations


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