高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 職業実践専門課程

職業実践専門課程 Professional Post-secondary Course


Professional Post-secondary Course 職業実践専門課程

A professional post-secondary course is offered by a specialized training college certified by the Minister and provide systematic education in knowledge, techniques and skills for the purpose of fostering the practical and specialist abilities required for an occupation.
The Minister certifies this type of courses particularly to maintain and improve the standard for vocational education offered by specialized training colleges. One of the requirements for certification is that classes involving experiments or other practice-based learning are delivered in partnership with companies. The relevant provisions were introduced in August 2013.
2015 saw the introduction of the Brush up Program for professional―a system under which the Minister certifies practical and professional programs tailored to the needs of companies and working adults offered by universities, graduate schools, junior colleges and colleges of technology―as a mechanism for delivering content equivalent to professional post-secondary courses at universities, in order to promote further study to students who are employed.

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