高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 (国立大学教育研究評価に係る)実績報告書

(国立大学教育研究評価に係る)実績報告書 Performance Report (in the National University Corporation Evaluation)


Performance Report (in the National University Corporation Evaluation) (国立大学教育研究評価に係る)実績報告書

A basic document prepared by each national university corporation in the process of the national university corporation education and research evaluation containing an analysis of the current situation relating to the standard of education and research at its faculties and graduate school, and a summary of the results of its self-assessment concerning its level of achievement of the medium-term objectives relating to improvements to the quality of education and research. Each corporation prepares the report in accordance with the Guidelines for Performance Reports, manual for self-assessment and performance reporting provided for corporations undergoing evaluation by NIAD-QE.

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