高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 国立大学法人

国立大学法人 National University Corporation



National University Corporation 国立大学法人

A corporation established for the purpose of founding a national university. The corporation operates in accordance with the National University Corporation Act, with the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies applying mutatis mutandis to any matters not prescribed in National University Corporation Act. It is also an agency managed under the medium-term objectives as prescribed in the Act on General Rules. The medium-term objectives are targets relating to operational management that national university corporations should achieve over a period of six years, and are formulated by the Minister, who assigns them to national university corporations and publishes them. National university corporations prepare a medium-term plan for achieving the medium-term objectives.
Once national universities started to become incorporated in April 2004, the government began issuing such corporations with a management expense grant each business year to cover part of the cost of operating a national university corporation and such corporations are required to undergo national university corporation evaluation, which involves investigating and analyzing the condition of each institution’s achievement of its medium-term objectives.
Under the amendment to the National University Corporation Act that entered in to force in April 2020, national university corporations may establish two or more national universities, in which case, the head of the corporation is to be called the chairperson, while the head of one of the universities is to be called the executive trustee.

An incorporated administrative agency is a corporation established in accordance with the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies, with the objective of conducting public administration and business independently of the government, as part of the government’s administrative reforms aimed at streamlining public administration and making it more efficient. Under the amendment of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies that entered into force in April 2015, such agencies are classified as either an agency managed under the medium-term objectives, a national research and development agency, or an agency engaged in administrative execution, and are subject to evaluation of the running of their operations, with the objective of ensuring that such corporations are managed in accordance with the specific nature of their operations. NIAD-QE is an agency managed under the medium-term objectives that has been established on the basis of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies.

関係法令 Related laws and regulations


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