国内情報センター(NIC) National Information Center (NIC)
高等教育の資格(学位等)保有者の流動性の促進を目指し、資格の承認を円滑に行うために国内外の高等教育制度等について情報提供を行うことを目的として国ごとに設置される組織。ユネスコの「高等教育の資格の承認に関するアジア太平洋地域規約(通称:東京規約)」において、各締約国はNICを設置することが求められている。NICの形態や機能は国により異なるが、提供する情報については、(a)自国の高等教育制度に関する説明、(b)自国の高等教育制度に属する各種の高等教育機関の概要及び各種の高等教育機関の典型的な特徴の概要、(c)自国の高等教育制度に属する承認され、又は認定された高等教育機関の一覧であって、各種の資格を付与するこれらの高等教育機関の権限並びに各種の高等教育機関に入学し、及び各種の課程を受講するための要件を示すもの、(d)質の保証の仕組みに関する説明、(e)自国の教育制度に属すると認める自国の領域外に所在する教育機関の一覧、を含めることが定められている。同規約に基づく日本公式のNICとして「高等教育資格承認情報センター(National Informational Center for Academic Recognition Japan: NIC-Japan)」が2019年9月1日に機構内に設置された。締約国におけるNICの設置については、「欧州地域における高等教育の資格の承認に関する規約(リスボン承認規約)」に同趣旨の規定がある。
National Information Center (NIC) 国内情報センター(NIC)
An organization established in each country to provide information about domestic and overseas higher education systems to facilitate the recognition of qualifications, with the aim of promoting the mobility of those who hold higher education qualifications (e.g. academic degrees).
Under UNESCO’s Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (Tokyo Convention), each of the States Parties is required to establish a NIC. The forms and functions of NICs differ from one country to another, but the information that they must provide includes (a) a description of the country’s higher education system; (b) an overview of the different types of higher education institutions belonging to its higher education system, and of the typical characteristics of each type of institution; (c) a list of recognized and/or accredited higher education institutions (public and private) belonging to its higher education system, indicating their powers to award different types of qualifications and the requirements for gaining access to each type of institution and program; (d) an explanation of quality assurance mechanisms; and (e) a list of educational institutions located outside its territory which the Party considers as belonging to its education system. The National Information Center for Academic Recognition Japan (NIC-Japan) was established within NIAD-QE on September 1, 2019 as Japan’s official NIC under this convention. The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Lisbon Recognition Convention) also obligates to the same effect.
Under UNESCO’s Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (Tokyo Convention), each of the States Parties is required to establish a NIC. The forms and functions of NICs differ from one country to another, but the information that they must provide includes (a) a description of the country’s higher education system; (b) an overview of the different types of higher education institutions belonging to its higher education system, and of the typical characteristics of each type of institution; (c) a list of recognized and/or accredited higher education institutions (public and private) belonging to its higher education system, indicating their powers to award different types of qualifications and the requirements for gaining access to each type of institution and program; (d) an explanation of quality assurance mechanisms; and (e) a list of educational institutions located outside its territory which the Party considers as belonging to its education system. The National Information Center for Academic Recognition Japan (NIC-Japan) was established within NIAD-QE on September 1, 2019 as Japan’s official NIC under this convention. The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Lisbon Recognition Convention) also obligates to the same effect.
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