高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 機能別分化

機能別分化 Classification of Universities by Function


Classification of Universities by Function 機能別分化

This refers to efforts to ensure the diversity of universities as a whole throughout Japan, as well as efforts to make each university more individual and distinctive and to provide more enhanced and advanced education and research, taking into account differences in the relative importance of the various functions of each university. While universities have a combination of functions―including serving as global education and research hubs, fostering highly skilled practitioners, cultivating a wide range of professionals, providing comprehensive liberal arts education, conducting education and research in specific specialist fields (e.g. art or sport), serving as a center providing the community with lifelong learning opportunities and fulfilling functions that contribute to society (e.g. contributing to the community, industry-academia-government collaboration and international exchange)―they generally fulfill many of these functions, according to each university’s mission.

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