高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 (高等教育機関の)ガバナンス

(高等教育機関の)ガバナンス Governance (of Higher Education Institutions)


Governance (of Higher Education Institutions) (高等教育機関の)ガバナンス

Organizational and management structures within a higher education institution. These governance bodies prescribe policies for the allocation of roles and responsibilities internally within the educational institution including the governance of teaching and learning (Academic governance) and the management of the educational institution (Corporate governance) and includes the establishment and development of delegations, guidelines, policies and processes in support of decision-making processes involving university president, faculty council, board of trustees, management council and auditors, in order to maximize objectives relating to education and research at a higher education institution. The term also implies that the institution clarifies its relationships with its stakeholders and strives to ensure internal organization and decision-making that appropriately fulfills the roles expected of the institution as a public entity.

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