高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 学校基本調査

学校基本調査 Basic School Survey


Basic School Survey 学校基本調査

A statistical survey of basic matters relating to schools as of May 1 each year. This survey is conducted by MEXT to obtain basic data for the administration of school education. It covers not only universities and colleges of technology, but also preschool educational institutions, elementary and secondary educational institutions, specialized training colleges and various other educational facilities. The survey items relating to higher education institutions include: location, number of staff and faculty members, number of students by department or graduate department, number of international students, number of graduates and their circumstances after graduation, and school facilities. The survey also provides detailed figures for national and public universities’ expenditure and income during the previous fiscal year.
Another survey of fundamental statistics conducted by MEXT is the School Teachers Survey. Based on figures current as of October 1 each year, the School Teachers Survey is conducted to focus on the composition of school teachers, their individual attributes, their working conditions, etc. Similar to the Basic School Survey, it also covers educational institutions other than universities and colleges of technology. The survey items relating to higher education institutions include full-time teachers’ sex, age, job title, academic background, field of specialization, length of service, school from which they graduated and classes of which they are in charge.

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