高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 国立大学法人評価

国立大学法人評価 National University Corporation Evaluation


National University Corporation Evaluation 国立大学法人評価

An evaluation exercise conducted by the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee established by MEXT, which evaluates the overall achievement condition of national university corporations and inter-university research institute corporations with respect to their medium-term objectives and medium-term plans in their management and their education and research activities during the six-year medium-term objective period. At the request of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee, NIAD-QE conducts the component of the evaluation focused on the condition of achievements in education and research (usually referred to as “national university corporation education and research evaluation”) and the committee then conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the national university corporation’s operations during the medium-term objective period, respecting the results of NIAD-QE’s evaluation. After the amendment of the National University Corporation Act that entered into force in April 2020, the MEXT’s Evaluation Committee is expected to request on the occasion of commissioning NIAD-QE to conduct an evaluation that it be conducted based on the results of the certified evaluation and accreditation of any national universities established by the national university corporation.
In the national university corporation education and research evaluation, NIAD-QE evaluates the condition of achievement of medium-term objectives and plans related to education and research by the national university corporation. When doing so, NIAD-QE uses analyses of the current situation at faculties and graduate school and considers the question of whether the quality of education and research has improved during the medium-term objective period. In its analysis of the current situation, NIAD-QE determines the standard of education and research with regard to the condition of educational activities and outcomes, and research activities and outcomes, taking into account the educational or research objectives of each faculty or graduate school, etc.
Since 2016, the National University Corporation Act has been revised to have the evaluation conducted at the end of the fourth year of the objective period in addition to that at the end of the period. The annual evaluation of performance of their operations for each academic year was abolished in 2022.

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