高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 単位

単位 Credit


●短期大学:修業年限2年の課程(62)、 修業年限3年の課程(93)
●大学: 標準(124)、医学又は歯学(188)、 薬学の一部の課程※(186)、 獣医(182)

Credit 単位

A unit for quantifying and measuring academic achievement for each subject. Under the Standards for Establishment of Universities, a subject worth one credit normally consists of educational content requiring 45 hours of study. The number of class hours required to earn one credit is determined according to the university’s decision as per teaching methods, such as lectures, practical training and experiments. Prior to the October 2022 amendment, the class hours required for different teaching methods were explicitly determined by the Standards.
Universities are required to award credits by assessing learning outcomes through examination, reporting, and other appropriate measures. At colleges of technology, either the completion of 30 credit hours (one credit hour is usually 50 minutes) or the completion of educational content requiring 45 hours of study is stipulated as being required for the award of one credit.
Universities may also award credits to non-degree students, students taking special programs and other individuals who are not full-time students, using the same method as that for full-time students.

■Credits Required for Completion of Each Program Type
Minimum Required Credits
●Junior College : Two-year program (62), Three-year program (93)
●Undergraduate Programs: Standard (124), Medicine or dentistry (188), Some pharmaceutical sciences programs* (186), Veterinary medical science (182)
●Graduate School : Master’s (or two-year first-stage program at universities with first- and second-stage doctoral programs) (30), Doctoral (30)
*Pharmaceutical sciences program whose main purpose is to cultivate practical abilities required for clinical practice.

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