高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 専門職大学院

専門職大学院 Professional Graduate School


Professional Graduate School 専門職大学院

A professional graduate school fosters the skills of highly specialized professionals capable of playing a leading role in various areas of society and an active role on the international stage. Among professional graduate schools are law schools, whose purpose is to provide education for legal professional training, as well as professional graduate schools for teacher education, whose purpose is to provide further education for the development of highly-specialized abilities and advanced skills.
Admission to professional graduate schools is granted for those who have graduated from universities (undergraduate programs) including professional and vocational universities and those who have been awarded bachelor’s degrees by NIAD-QE. Additionally, universities may determine eligibility for admission on the basis of their own specific admission qualification assessment.
The requirements for successful completion of a professional graduate school program are enrollment for at least two years (or for the standard length of the program if that is less than two years) with no less than 30 credits earned and the study of any other required academic programs (at least three years with no less than 93 credits earned in the case of law schools and at least two years with no less than 45 credits earned in the case of professional graduate schools for teacher education). Individuals who successfully complete a course of study at a professional graduate school are awarded a professional degree (Juris Doctor (J.D.) from law schools, Master of Education (Professional) from professional graduate schools for teacher education, and Master of xxx (Professional) from other professional graduate schools). The programs at professional graduate schools are called professional graduate programs.

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