高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 質保証の国際通用性

質保証の国際通用性 International Comparability of Quality Assurance


International Comparability of Quality Assurance 質保証の国際通用性

International comparability of quality assurance of a country's or region's higher education is achieved if higher education policies and procedures are deemed comparable, by way of mutual recognition of accreditation through multilateral agreements, to those in other countries and regions, and contributive to quality teaching and research as well as international collaboration and mobility.
NIAD-QE designs its evaluation standards and procedures for certified evaluation and accreditation in harmony with internationally accepted perspectives and practices so that its activities are internationally referenced.
The international recognition of academic degrees and qualifications is gaining importance in Japan, as it increases its international mobility, with more students from diverse learning backgrounds and degrees from other countries applying for admission to Japanese higher education institutions. Further, a growing number of Japanese and international students who have studied in Japan are proceeding to educational institutions or seeking professional careers overseas. The international comparability of degrees and other qualifications means the situation in which the equivalency of degrees and awards is recognized in foreign certificatory processes in such a way that would lead to students' and workers' enhanced cross-border mobility and fuller occupational engagement in other countries.

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