高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 教育振興基本計画

教育振興基本計画 Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education


Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education 教育振興基本計画

A government plan that outlines the basic policies and measures regarding the promotion of education and any other matters required for the comprehensive, systematic implementation of the measures concerning the promotion of education.
The plan has been formulated every five years since 2008. The Third Basic Plan proposed a reconsideration of the Standards for Establishment, the review for the approval of establishment, certified evaluation and accreditation, and information disclosure in the context of the quality assurance of higher education, as well as the strengthening of the relationship with society, further efficiency of reviews, enhanced liaising with other quality assurance schemes including the National University Corporation Evaluation in the context of the certified evaluation and accreditation, in particular, with a view to promoting the quality of students' learning that will contribute to the responsiveness to the changes in society and the creation of values.
In June 2023, the Cabinet decided on the most recent and fourth Basic Plan 2023–2027. The plan emphasizes the need to encourage universities to deliver student-oriented education in terms of quality assurance of higher education policy in such a way that they develop systematic and principled education in line with their three kinds of diploma, curriculum and admission policies, and improve internal quality assurance system by the successful management of teaching and learning through checking and evaluating learning outcomes in light of the voices from students and society.

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