高等教育に関する質保証関係用語集 Glossary of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher Education

用語集 アセスメント

アセスメント Assessment


Assessment アセスメント

Qualitative and quantitative measurement with reference to set standards. The assessment of learning outcomes is important in the context of higher education and it is a practice that seeks to assess a students’ attainment against clearly defined learning outcomes. Examples of the methods include direct assessments such as periodic examinations as well as indirect assessments such as surveys on alumni and student satisfaction. Assessments may be classified by the function into diagnostic assessment, which evaluates knowledge and skills prior to study, formative assessment, which evaluates improvements in academic ability and level of understanding in the course of learning and summative assessment, which evaluates the achievement of objectives after learning.
In the context of quality assurance of higher education, assessment differs from audit, under which system an inspection is conducted to confirm that the internal evaluation and quality assurance mechanisms at a higher education institution are functioning. The assessment may target educational programs, subjects and students outcomes etc.

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